Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I am me

I am me. 

What does that mean?  Quite simply, I am who I am.  I have never once claimed to be anybody but myself.  Am I perfect? Absolutely not.  Am I the worst person in the world?  I'd hope not.  Much like everyone I have my flaws, some larger then others.  I'm a jerk, I can be an asshole, I can be arrogant, I have terrible eating habits, and yes folks, I bite the ever loving shit out of my nails.  But I'm not all bad.  I don't smoke, I don't drink(excessively), I don't gamble(excessively......anymore) and I don't do drugs. I could definitely be a far worse person.

Not everyone understands me, however, I understand that.  I can be a fairly complicated person.  Though I will tell you exactly how it is.  I don't sugar coat.  You ask my opinion, you will most definitely get it. There is always a method to my madness.  I don't expect everyone to understand it, hell I don't ask ANYONE to understand, just except it.  Trust in my insanity and maybe youll start to see.  There's the phrase "you have to see it to believe it" with me "you have to believe it to see it."  

Don't ask me to change who I am, because it's just not going to happen. You will meet a resistance unlike anything you've ever encountered before. I will change and adapt myself. Again, not everyone agrees with this but it's me.  One of my favorite quotes on all time is "Wanting to be someone else, is a waste of the person you are."  I'd rather you hate me for who I am then love me for who I'm not.

That's basically me in a nutshell.  Love me or hate me, I am me

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Holidays......this isnt what you think.

When I first started this post, it was November 27th, and I was already sick of people arguing that "its Merry Christmas, and they shouldnt be forced to say Happy Holidays."  While I support freedom of speech and yes they're 100% correct.  You can wish me a Merry Christmas...and I can wish you a Happy Ramadan.  Oh, whats that? You don't celebrate Ramadan? Well I don't celebrate Christmas.(well I do, but mainly due to family)  So you wishing me a Merry Christmas is just as effective as me  wishing you a Happy Solstice.   If I'm talking to someone I don't know I'm going to say Happy Holidays.  I don't know that person, I don't know his or her beliefs.  I'm going to say it out of respect for that persons beliefs.  Not because I'm being forced to so I can be PC. It's just the polite thing to do.  Now I'm sure polite in the NYC area is a foreign concept, and one I'm sure I'll post about in the future, but for the rest of the country, can we please end the pointless arguing? Let's all just enjoy whatever it is we celebrate

Happy Holidays